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Visualize Your Entire Corporate Structure

Introducing Diligent Entities' new dynamic organization structure charts which enable you to interactively visualize your entire corporate structure and entity relationships.

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Diligent Entities Supports Growth and Protects Brand Reputation

Putting the right entity information, analytics, and insights at your team’s fingertips empowers you to improve compliance, make better informed decisions and grow your organization sustainably.

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Dynamic Organization Structure Charts

Organization structure charts, when done well, can help guide the big decisions, such as what impact a merger will have on tax liabilities or regulatory compliance in a certain jurisdiction, or where there may be worries over shareholder dominance within the whole structure. They can help to clarify management structure, increase operating efficiency and facilitate future planning.

  • Store your corporate record in a secure cloud and interactively visualize your corporate structure.

  • Create a single, audit-ready source of truth to highlight subsidiary-related information, such as ownership and structure, which can support effective decision-making.
  • Group different subsidiaries by function, or reveal each entity’s ownership structure in detail according to any manner of data, including tax status, voting rights, shareholders, participation and interests, and more.

  • Link your structure chart to all available information, meaning your chart is not a static thing — it puts all of the relevant information at the fingertips of the compliance, legal and tax teams around your business.

Elevate your Entity Management to Entity Governance

Compliance requirements for organizations across the globe vary greatly and as an organization grows, these become more of a challenge. In order to adhere to legal and compliance requirements, organizations need the right tools, analytics and real-time insights to continue to evolve and adapt in a constantly changing global environment.

  • Apply compliance requirements by jurisdiction and issue automated reminders for key dates
  • Complete your electronic filings directly from Diligent Entities so you have more control over streamlining your compliance

  • Integrate eSignatures to make the end-to-end signature process more efficient, more secure, more easily auditable and less risky
  • Collaborate securely with peers and third parties through secure file-sharing and storage
  • Get automated notifications and an audit trail when there is an alteration in your corporate structure through change reports

Why Choose Diligent Entities?

  • Modern Governance

    Leader in providing organizations with the right technology, insights and analytics to improve governance and stay ahead of the speed of business.

  • Adoptability & Functionality

    A product that is available across every device and operating system that is easy to use, intuitive and is supported by on-site, one to one training sessions to ensure your organization is prepared to meet today's modern governance challenges.

  • Security

    Diligent's products are backed by the world's leading security standards with secure data centers located within your region or country.

Modern Governance:
How Innovative Leaders Stay Ahead

Modern governance is the practice of empowering leaders with technology, insights and processes to fuel good governance that businesses require to thrive and endure in today's fast paced world.

  • Ensure the accuracy of your data with controlled changes and data assurance processes
  • In a constantly moving business environment, having the right technology infrastructure empowers you with the necessary framework to meet governance challenges head on
  • With Diligent, you can gain a competitive edge to improve governance by having the right information, analytics and insights to spot risks, act on opportunities and turn insights into action