Huron Charter Township, MI Case Study

“Our Board of Trustees really likes our CivicWeb Portal because it gives a different view of our community through a link.”

Since launching iCompass’ Meeting Manager Pro, Huron Charter Township has saved significant amounts of time and money in agenda preparation and distribution while reducing the steps it takes to make information available for the public online.

Deputy Clerk Joe Bridgman was spending days assembling agendas — something he now accomplishes in minutes. Prior to implementing the program he was required to manually scan requests and arrange them using Dropbox, Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat. While he was doing the process digitally, it was still cumbersome and time consuming.

Now, requests are submitted electronically to the clerk’s office and easily uploaded to the system. From there, Joe builds his paperless packet using drag-and-drop tools in the system and distributes it to the public and Council, as well as publishes it on the website, with a single click.

“The time I’ve saved using iCompass — it takes minutes versus sometimes a day. With the simplicity of the program and being able to get the information in quickly and efficiently, that leaves me to do other things with the job that are more valuable,” he said.

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