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ESG News Intelligence

Automatically track and curate news from tens of thousands of sources to keep your organization in the know and react quickly to ESG trends, risk and regulations.

  • Trusted By Diligent

Diligent Enables Modern Governance

Diligent gives boards the right tools, analytics and insights to drive more efficient & effective governance.

  • 50% + FORTUNE 1000 CUSTOMERS

Personalized Governance Intelligence

Easily monitor and catalogue news outlets to track companies, competitors, topics such as ESG and industries that are vital to your organization.

  • Monitor corporate and industry news to identify market trends, sentiment scoring, risks and opportunities across ESG and other important topics
  • Access and share business intelligence via mobile, automated emails, dashboards, curated newsletters, finished reports, APIs and more
  • Fully customize the tool to meet needs and expectations by tailoring the sources, volume, frequency and modes of consumption to maximize the benefits and potential of the software

Curate Governance Intel Directly to Your Boards Portal

For Diligent Boards customers, curated Governance Intel can now be delivered directly to your Boards portal, giving you the precise information you need with the convenience of not having to leave the Boards application.

    • Empower individuals with curated, AI-assisted news feeds, insights and corporate and industry health scores
    • Access precise information on sectors, companies, competitors and topics relevant to your organization

Why Diligent is the Modern Governance Market Leader

At Diligent, we aspire to empower leaders and executives with the technology, insights and processes their organization needs to govern, endure and thrive in the digital age.

  • Modern Governance

    Leader in providing board of directors with the right technology, insights and analytics to improve board governance and stay ahead of the speed of business.

  • Adoptability & Functionality

    A product that is available across every device and operating system that is easy to use, intuitive and is supported by on-site, one to one training sessions to ensure your board is prepared to meet today's modern governance challenges.

  • Security

    Diligent's products are backed by the world's leading security standards with secure data centers located within your region or country.

Modern Governance:
How Innovative Leaders Stay Ahead

Modern governance is the practice of empowering leaders with technology, insights and processes to fuel good governance that organization require to thrive and endure in today's fast paced world.

  • In a constantly moving business environment, having the right technology infrastructure in the boardroom empowers boards with the necessary framework to meet governance challenges head on
  • With Diligent, boards can gain a competitive edge to improve governance by having the right information, analytics and insights to spot risks, act on opportunities and turn insights into action