Learn why over 250,000 users from 1,500 organizations rely on Diligent Entities.

Easily Manage Entity & Subsidiary Information

Diligent Entities empowers your organization to maintain and analyze your entity data and documents, helping ensure compliance and mitigate risk enterprise-wide.

  • Trusted By

Elevating Entity Management to Entity Governance

Only Diligent Entities helps you handle the volume and complexity of your entity information
and improve governance across the entire corporate structure.

  • 1,500 CLIENTS
  • 250,000 USERS

A Single Source of Truth

The corporate structure is a constantly evolving picture. It is an enormous task to maintain the integrity of the data and ensure ongoing accuracy. Diligent Entities streamlines this task significantly and creates a single source of truth for your organization.

  • Configure custom data fields and permissions-trimmed libraries to suit your needs
  • Avoid manual errors with approvals workflows for data changes and automated form creation for filing
  • Visualize the corporate structure and entity relationship with structure charts that have overlaid information and formatting
  • Report on a broad variety of data, as tables, graphs or charts, and export in Word, Excel or PDF

Simplify Compliance Management

Compliance requirements for organizations across the globe vary greatly and as an organization grows, compliance becomes more of a challenge. The burden of completing these tasks and meeting deadlines grows exponentially the more subsidiaries you have. Entity management software can help reduce this burden.

  • Ensure the accuracy of your data with controlled changes and data assurance processes
  • Apply compliance requirements by jurisdiction
  • Issue automated reminders for key dates
  • Audit each change or action, which is logged automatically

Flexible Reporting

Reporting is a fundamental part of ensuring oversight of your entity structure and fulfilling regulatory requirements. Diligent Entities provides reporting that can be easily customized and will scale to your needs.

  • Ensure the accuracy of your data with controlled changes and data assurance processes
  • Apply compliance requirements by jurisdiction
  • Issue automated reminders for key dates
  • Audit each change or action, which is logged automatically

Why Choose Diligent Entities?

  • Modern Governance

    Leader in providing organizations with the right technology, insights and analytics to improve governance and stay ahead of the speed of business.

  • Adoptability & Functionality

    A product that is available across every device and operating system that is easy to use, intuitive and is supported by on-site, one to one training sessions to ensure your organization is prepared to meet today's modern governance challenges.

  • Security

    Diligent's products are backed by the world's leading security standards with secure data centers located within your region or country.