Getting Your School Board Ready for Cybersecurity Oversight

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Join us for an enlightening on-demand webinar tailored for K-12 school board members and superintendents as we delve into the critical realm of cybersecurity in public education. This comprehensive session features three expert panelists who will guide you through the intricacies of the current cybersecurity landscape, helping you enhance your preparedness in responding appropriately to cybersecurity incidents at your school district.

What you'll learn:
  • Understand the role delineation between hands-on management and strategic oversight of cybersecurity in school board governance.
  • Engage in a realistic scenario-based exercise, simulating a cyber incident to put your experience to the test and decide how to respond effectively and efficiently as the fictional cyberattack develops.
  • How cybersecurity considerations should seamlessly integrate into policy development and management practices.

  • Diana Baker Freeman, Senior Manger of Governance Advocacy & Initiatives, Diligent
  • Sarah Gutierrez, Policy Implementation Manager, Diligent
  • Dottie Schindlinger, Executive Director, Diligent Institute