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Learn why over 250,000 users from 1,500 organizations rely on Diligent Entities.

Centralize Your Client's Entity Information and Cap Tables

Diligent helps your law firm centralize, manage and effectively structure your client's cap tables and corporate record in order to deliver a personalized customer experience with better information at scale.

  • Trusted By

Entity and Equity Management with a Consistent Approach

By enhancing your corporate secretarial and cap table service offerings with technology-enabled professional services, this allows you to further differentiate your organization from the competition and increase new customer acquisition.

Streamlining the process of managing cap tables, entities and their regulatory needs, without compromising security, gives legal specialists the ability to do more with less, leading to better operational efficiency and improvements in your law firm's bottom line.

  • 1,500 CLIENTS
  • 250,000 USERS

Store, Access, Manage and Report on Your Clients' Entity Data

Elevating entity management software makes your lawyers and paralegals better organized and improves performance, which in turn increases client satisfaction.

  • Create a single source of truth for your entire firm to manage client entities globally
  • Prepare and file annual reports on your clients’ behalf and apply compliance requirements by jurisdiction
  • Audit each change or action, which is logged automatically
  • Create graphical or tabular reports, schedule updates for real-time information and automatically send to your clients

Simple Centralized Equity Management

Centralize all your client's cap tables on a single platform, regardless of the software they already use. No more lost time learning new platforms, replicating cap tables in spreadsheets, and fixing errors across platforms. You’ll always have the most accurate and up-to-date version.

  • Standardized view of cap tables across clients
  • Painless onboarding and managed updating of cap tables by legal professionals
  • Centralized view across companies to track financing status, outstanding actions, and workflows
  • Run and share auditor-ready reports with clients at the touch of a button

Modern Governance: How Innovative Leaders Stay Ahead

Modern governance is the practice of empowering leaders with technology, insights and processes to fuel good governance that businesses require to thrive and endure in today's fast paced world.

  • Ensure the accuracy of your data with controlled changes and data assurance processes
  • Apply compliance requirements by jurisdiction
  • In a constantly moving business environment, having the right technology infrastructure empowers you with the necessary framework to meet governance challenges head on
  • With Diligent, you can gain a competitive edge to improve governance by having the right information, analytics and insights to spot risks, act on opportunities and turn insights into action

Why Law Firms Choose Diligent

  • Modern Governance

    Leader in providing law firms with the right technology, insights and analytics to improve governance and stay ahead of the speed of business.

  • Adoptability & Functionality

    A product that is available across every device and operating system that is easy to use, intuitive and is supported by on-site, one to one training sessions to ensure your law firm is prepared to meet today's modern governance challenges.

  • Security

    Diligent's products are backed by the world's leading security standards with secure data centers located within your region or country.